Welcome!It is imperative that you read through this carrd thoroughly.Thank you.

The Forewarning:

Welcome to my 'carrd'. I am a lady of a few names, including names such as "Higgins" and "Belvedere".However, my favourite alias is that which is bestowed unto me. You are welcome to call upon me by one of the names mentioned before, or you may give me a nickname that you feel is fitting. I feel that names are very honourable, and I am happy to accept whichever name you feel is fitting.In terms of pronouns, I prefer 'She/Her' predominantly; however, the matter of pronouns is the same as the matter of my name.Before you can decide if you wish to continue interacting with me, I must, in good faith, bestow a warning unto you:I am both someone who actively indulges in potentially triggering/upsetting/frightening content, as well as a paraphile who carries a pro-recovery stance.As such, I am 'pro-paraphilia' (however, NOT pro-offense), and I welcome anyone and everyone who performs (behaves) in good faith.I am letting this be known for the sake of transparency, and because I understand that there are many individuals who prefer to not interact with someone of my bearings.I would also like to let it be known that I am an adult, and that I prefer to not interact with individuals whose age falls below the age of majority (this varies per jurisdiction, so I hereby state 18 years of age as the minimum).If this carrd happens to be vague, I apologise; furthermore, I would like to let it be known that I wholeheartedly welcome questions.This carrd is a work in progress, yet I have been meaning to forge this particular warning for quite some time.Thank you for reading through.This carrd needs and will receive a makeover, but I am relieved to have stated what must be stated.

Alternative Social Media